from fiction to Freud


As a lover of literature and lit-reviews alike, I offer some of my go-to reads.

Curated titles for your references, resources, or bedside table!

radical compassion
Mindset, Lifestyle Claudia Mai Nguyen Mindset, Lifestyle Claudia Mai Nguyen

radical compassion

So often I find we offer compassion freely to others, yet overlook how we might benefits from receiving compassion from ourselves. Meditation expert Tara Brach offers down to earth guidance on self-compassion and softening our inner critic.

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the best we could do
Productivity, Lifestyle GoLive Productivity, Lifestyle GoLive

the best we could do

A gripping graphic novel that delves into the nuanced experiences of intergenerational trauma, family dynamics, and forced immigration. This is a heavy, but powerful read that I strongly suggest to anyone looking to better understand immigrant families, the Vietnam war and it’s impact on Vietnamese people, the journey to finding one’s own cultural self.

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